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AIDS, Inc. — Scandal of the Century

by John Rappaport (1988)

Thousands are dying needlessly as the medical world and media pull off the biggest scandal of our time – all for the love of power and money. AIDS Inc. takes you on a sizzling behind-the-scenes tour of laboratories, newsrooms and even the White House to expose the real killers behind the disease.

AIDS: A Second Opinion

by Gary Null (2002)

In clear, jargon-free prose, this book offers an unbiased, unflinching discussion of both the establishment and dissenting views of the AIDS crisis. It argues that the AIDS drama has exposed problematic issues having to do with the functioning of U.S. medical institutions and explores a new type of health care, grounded in patients’ own choices and dispositions, that poses a challenge to the top-down, expert-controlled medical systems favored by the establishment. Drawing from Null’s many years of study of alternative, traditional, and orthodox medicine as well as from interviews with many long-term survivors, the book dissects the claims of the AZT and drug-cocktail approach to treating AIDS and offers a trilogy of treatment strategies based on wide views of how to enhance the immune system and improve overall functioning.

The Great AIDS Hoax

by T.C. Fry (1989)

AIDS via HIV was, and is, a lie… a GREAT HOAX… that was, and is, not only used to scourge and mark the homosexual community, as well as to exploit and abuse the Black Race, especially throughout Africa, but it was, and is, a multi-billion-dollar scheme to maintain and increase taxpayer-funded government dollars that flow into the education, medical and pharmaceutical industries and their many tax-exempt non-profit organizations.

Infectious AIDS: Have We Been Mislead?

by Peter H. Duesberg (1995)

A collection of thirteen articles originally published in scientific journals which call into question the dogma of infectious AIDS. With such thought-provoking chapters as “HIV is Not the Cause of AIDS” and “AIDS acquired by Drug Consumption and Other Non-contagious Risk Factors,” Duesberg explores the correlation (but not causality) between HIV and AIDS. By challenging popular AIDS theory, Duesberg investigates fresh possibilities that can transform the study and treatment of the AIDS virus.

Inventing the AIDS Virus

by Peter H. Duesberg (1996)

An eminent scientist and pioneer in the discovery of retroviruses challenges the widely accepted belief that HIV is the cause of AIDS and argues that HIV is merely a harmless passenger virus that does not cause AIDS. Sure to spark intense debate, this provocative book offers an original and incisive critique of the rise and fall of HIV.

Poison By Prescription: The AZT Story

by John Lauritson (1992)

In 1987, AZT was approved to treat symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers of HIV to cure or prevent AIDS, based on the hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS. One year later, in 1988, the designers of AZT received a Nobel prize for medicine, although there was no evidence that AZT would cure or prevent AIDS. In this book, Lauritson presents a collection of his articles from the “New York Native” claiming that AZT, rather than being the miracle drug as claimed, is instead a highly toxic drug with no scientific evidence at all for its effectiveness.

Positively False: Exposing the Myths Around HIV and AIDS

by Joan Shenton (1998)

A prize-winning medical journalist sets out to show that the HIV=AIDS=death hypothesis, which has wrongly acquired the force of certainty, has been riddled with flaws leading to distorted results, wrong conclusions and needless suffering. Shenton argues that research has been driven by the financial interests of pharmaceutical companies and by the ambitions of unscrupulous scientists equally anxious to protect their research funding, their patented HIV test kits, and ultimately their egos.

The Real AIDS Epidemic: How the Tragic HIV Mistake Threatens Us All

by Rebecca V. Crenshaw (2007)

The Real AIDS Epidemic focuses on the politics of the changing definition of AIDS and the flaws in all HIV testing. In a much broader sense, it explains how the current, government-based structure of scientific research has corrupted science as the search for truth. It offers not only scientific reasons for HIV/AIDS being untenable, but also sociological explanations as to how the theory was accepted by the media and the world so quickly. In particular, this book offers a scathing criticism of the outrageous discriminatory measures that have been leveled at HIV-positives from the inception.

Science Sold Out: Does HIV Really Cause AIDS?

by Rebecca Culshaw (2007)

There are many well-established scientific reasons that the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is highly doubtful. This book focuses on the changing definition of AIDS and the flaws in all HIV testing. In a much broader sense, it explains how the current, government-based structure of scientific research has corrupted science as the search for truth. It offers not only scientific reasons for HIV/AIDS being untenable, but also sociological explanations as to how the theory was accepted by the media and the world so quickly. In particular, this book offers a scathing criticism of the outrageous discriminatory measures that have been leveled at HIV-positives from the inception.