Movies & Videos

Movies & Videos

Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth

by Dean Irebodd (2012)

The discrepancies between survivor claims on the one hand and technical as well as physical reality on the other hand reveal the surprising truth about Auschwitz, which is not what most people think it is.

Buchenwald: A Dumb, Dumb Portrayal of Evil

by Dean Irebodd (2009)

A well-researched and nicely presented analysis of the Buchenwald “Holocaust evidence” that highlights some glaring misrepresentations in the official story.

The Chemistry of Auschwitz


A companion video to Germar Rudolf’s book of the same name, which can be read here.

Curated Lies: The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions


A companion video to Carlo Mattogno’s book of the same name, which can be read here.

David Cole in Auschwitz

by David Cole (1992)

A young Jewish holocaust revisionist visits Auschwitz posing as a believer, and puts some hard questions to a museum tour guide, as well as the senior curator of the Auschwitz State Museum.

Europa: The Last Battle — Episode 8

The Holocaust

Part 8 in a series about World War II that focuses on the lies and deceptions put forth about the alleged “Holocaust” of European Jewry.

The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure


A companion video to Don Heddesheimer’s book of the same name, which can be read here.

The Greatest Lie Ever Told: The Holocaust

presented by Activist News Australia (2015)

Did Hitler systematically murder 6 million Jews? This film puts some of the mainstream theories under the scope for the purpose of analysis and revision.

The Holocaust: An Instrument of White Guilt

The holocaust has been elevated above all other historical occurrences and is treated as an unquestionable truth – movies, books and documentaries are churned out on an industrial basis and the holocaust even has a dedicated international day of remembrance. Yet communist mass killings and genocides are largely ignored or even unheard of in the West despite the fact that communism has killed over a 100 million people. I examine the political and social reasons for this and lay bare the hypocrisy and double standards employed by the establishment when it comes to genocide.

Holocaust Revisionism for Beginners

by David McCalden (1987)

A great introductory documentary for those just familiarizing themselves with Holocaust revisionism.

The Holocaust: Shifting the Blame

Part 1Part 2

by Jews for Hitler (2017)

By examining key events in history that took place before the apparent Jewish genocide, such as the Jewish role in the Russian Revolution, we begin to see a pattern of concealment and propaganda regarding the Holocaust.

Holocaust, Hate Speech, and Were the Germans So Stupid?

by Anthony Lawson (2011)

Suppressing free and open discussion on any subject is as bad as telling lies, and knowingly suppressing the truth is the biggest lie of all. 

Illuminating the Holocaust

compiled by Jim Rizoli

A compilation of various videos that highlights the myths and deceptions surrounding the alleged ‘Holocaust’.

Inside the Great Holocaust Trial

Part 1Part 2

by Michael Hoffman (1985)

A powerful documentary on the 1985 thought crime/show trial of Ernst Zündel, prosecuted in Toronto criminal court for publishing the pamphlet, “Did Six Million Really Die?”

The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax

by Eric Hunt (2014)

This documentary uses interviews of so-called “Holocaust survivors” to prove that the orthodox tale about the alleged extermination camp at Treblinka is untenable.

The Last Days of the Big Lie

by Eric Hunt (2011)

A documentary that debunks many of the facts presented in the Oscar winning Holocaust themed documentary “The Last Days,” produced by Steven Spielberg.

The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt

Part 1Part 2

by Germar Rudolf (2017)

A companion video to Germar Rudolf’s book, Bungled: Denying the Holocaust, which can be read here.

The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth

by Eric Hunt (2014)

This documentary demolishes the “Gas Chambers Disguised as Shower Rooms” propaganda hoax and shows how Majdanek is a microcosm of the larger Holocaust Hoax.

Nazi Shrunken Heads

by Dean Irebodd (2008)

Atrocity propaganda after the war included tattooed
Jewish skin, soap made from Jews, Jewish skin lampshades, and Jewish shrunken heads. This short film slices through these lies and does away with the laughable shrunken head nonsense.

One-Third of the Holocaust

Part 1Part 2Part 3

by Dean Irebodd (2006)

This documentary explains how Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec (all in Poland) were not death camps, as is usually claimed, thereby debunking one third of the systematic Nazi murders said to have occurred during the Holocaust.

Probing the Holocaust: The Horror Explained

by Germar Rudolf (2017)

This documentary sheds a new light on the horrific imagery of the Holocaust and enables many viewers for the first time to truly understand what transpired in Germany during and at the end of the war.

The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax

by Eric Hunt (2014)

A searing refutation of the archaeological methods and findings of Dr. Caroline Sturdy-Colls as presented in the Smithsonian channel’s documentary, “Treblinka: Hitler’s Killing Machine.”

The Truth About Josef Mengele

by Aaron Kasparov

Next to Hitler, Josef Mengele, aka the ‘Angel of Death,’ is probably the most vilified individual in the history of mankind. But is it deserved? This film tackles the legend of Mengele head on to expose the truth of his life and career.