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Vietnam: Why Did We Go?

by Avro Manhattan (1984)

With an immense collection of facts, photos, names and dates, Manhattan not only proves that the Vietnam War began as a religious conflict, but also shows how America was manipulated into supporting Catholic oppression in Vietnam supposedly to fight communism.

War Crimes in Vietnam

by Bertrand Russell (1967)

The fundamental fact the author wishes to establish is that the Vietnam War is the responsibility of the United States. This elementary truth is central to any understanding of this cruel war. To understand the war, we must understand America and, in doing so, we must understand that racism in the United States created a climate in which it was difficult for Americans to understand what they were doing in Vietnam. According to Russell, it was this same racism that provoked a barbarous, chauvinist outcry when American pilots who had bombed hospitals, schools, dykes, and civilian centers were accused of committing war crimes.