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Compulsory Vaccination: The Crime Against the School Child

by Chas M. Higgins (1915)

This pamphlet argues that the fundamental legal and medical facts set forth in these advices and defenses may be briefly epitomized here by stating that all compulsory vaccination is essentially illegal and criminal in its very nature from a truly logical, legal and constitutional basis, and cannot be validly forced on any person.

Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated

by Chas M. Higgins (1920)

This profusely illustrated early treatise on the horrors of compulsory vaccination was first published in 1920. Higgins believed it to be a legal atrocity and a gross violation of basic American rights. He sets out to detail the “many shocking facts, proofs and exhibits which I have been collecting for years, and which, as now massed in the Petition and its Illustrated Supplement, can, I think, leave no doubt in the mind of any reasonable man or women…that compulsory vaccination should be immediately abolished, and that its continuation, with these proofs against it, would be a most gross medical blunder and malpractice and a grave violation of the basic American principle of Inherent Individual Rights…” From the introduction.


by Jeff Prager

The ultimate question concerning current vaccine programs is whether or not, being given in steadily increasing numbers at an age of extreme immunological vulnerability, they are bringing about unrecognized genetic changes in children which might be irreversible. Technical issues involved in vaccines are very complex. With growing public awareness of these issues, they are also becoming increasingly controversial. Should not parental voices become part of the equation?

Leicester: Sanitation versus Vaccination

by J.T. Biggs (1912)

The good people of Leicester in the U.K. noticed and demonstrated that when kids and adults were vaccinated against smallpox, those who were vaccinated would more often than not suffer greater harm, and even die. So Leicester refused to comply with the compulsory vaccination law, instead improving sanitation and isolating infected individuals and families. Very soon the people of Leicester got well and those who were infected with smallpox got better and the disease was contained. The death rate in Leicester fell dramatically. This book highlights that medicine does not hold the key to health but rather may actually be harming us and in the case of vaccination it is obvious to all who look and finally may see.

Murder By Injection: Chapter 4 – Vaccinations

by Eustace Mullins (1988)

This book aims to shed light on profits from cancer, medical quackery, fertilizers, contamination of the food supply and numerous other eye-opening problems we face. Seeing as how you are currently in the vaccinations section of this website, clicking on the above title links to his chapter on Vaccinations.

The Poisoned Needle

by Eleanor McBean (1957)

Vaccination, instead of being the promised blessing to the world, has proved to be a curse of such sweeping devastation that it has caused more death and disease than war, pestilence, and plague combined. There is no scourge (with the possible exception of atomic radiation) that is more destructive to our nation’s health than this monument of human deception — this slayer of the innocent —this crippler of body and brain — THE POISONED NEEDLE.

The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization

by Lily Loat (1951)

This work sets out indisputable facts and figures–many of them from official statistics–which leave no doubt that the preventive measures, so-called, actually cause more deaths and suffering than the diseases they are supposed to prevent.

Vaccine Dangers

by Jeff Prager

All vaccines are extremely dangerous and many don’t work at all. The ones that do work provide, generally, between 30% and 50% effectiveness across large populations when they’re actually in use, some slightly more. Of those that do work none are 100% effective. Moreover, live vaccines like MMR, chicken pox, rubella, influenza and other live vaccines cause shedding and vaccinated people can infect both vaccinated and unvaccinated people for extended periods of time. If you’re new to vaccine research and the peer reviewed literature, this PDF and the linked peer reviewed reports within will make these statements perfectly clear.

Vaccine Peer Review

by Jeff Prager

The History Of The Global Vaccination Program In 1000 Peer Reviewed Reports And Studies • 1915-2015

Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud In History

by Eleanor McBean, Sue Martson, & Ida Honorof (2018)

Follow the money. It will lead you to the truth. The primary reason for vaccination is the assumption that vaccines prevent diseases. However, if historical data demonstrates that vaccines do NOT prevent diseases, then what is the purpose of vaccination?

Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils

by Robert Alexander Gunn (1882)

All fallacies classified as science must crumble before investigation. Such has been the fate of all the pretentious theories of earlier medicine, and such is the predestined end of the delusive hypotheses upon which are based many of the medical dogmas of to-day. Of these dogmas, I believe the practice known as vaccination to be most absurd, and most pernicious.

The Vaxx Report

compiled by Giuliani Charles (2021 Edition)

In this brief study, we are going to be taking a close look at the facts surrounding vaccines to see if, in fact, they stand up to all the lofty claims made about them. Why vaccine mandates? Is it really about public health, or does it have more to do with corporate profits? Are vaccines dangerous? If so, how dangerous are they? Knowing the answers to these questions is now more important than ever, since your very life, as well as the lives of your children, may depend on it!