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9/11: 119 Questions

The number 119 is an inversion of 911. This book invites people to question official narratives propagated by those who control public information. These agencies include governments and their allies such as corporate media, government funded universities and statutory commissions.

The 9/11 ‘Omission’ Report

Adapted from the book, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions by David Ray Griffin, this paper simply lists the 115 Omissions of Evidence that Mr. Griffin believes the investigators and writers involved in the official 9/11 Commission Report refused to address.

9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA

by Webster Griffin Tarpley (2004)

9/11 Synthetic Terror highlights the salient points of sheer physical impossibility of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory and makes clear that figures like Osama bin Laden are patsies, dupes or double agents, selected for their ethnic coloring as the basis for launching a “Clash of Civilizations.” Tarpley shows that the wars on the Islamic world, the Soviet-Afghan, Kosovo and Chechen conflicts, as well as US-UK-NATO synthetic terror incidents like 9/11, Beslan or 3/11 in Madrid, have been contrived to continue the Cold War, in pursuit of the centuries-long campaign for Anglo hegemony over Eurasia and the world.

9/11 Unveiled

by Enver Masud (2008)

9/11 Unveiled leads the reader to the inescapable conclusion: The 9/11 Commission Report is fatally flawed. Its conclusions regarding the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Flight 93 are false. Bin Laden was NOT wanted for 9/11; the twin towers of the World Trade Center were not brought down by the impact of Boeing 767s and the resulting fires; there’s no evidence that Flight 93 ploughed into the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania; there’s no hard evidence that a Boeing 757 crashed at the Pentagon. The 9/11 Commission Report does not even mention the
collapse of the 47-story 7 World Trade Center!

Crossing the Rubicon

by Michael C. Ruppert (2004)

The attacks of September 11, 2001 were accomplished through an amazing orchestration of logistics and personnel. Crossing the Rubicon discovers and identifies key suspects―finding some of them in the highest echelons of American government―by showing how they acted in concert to guarantee that the attacks produced the desired result. It is unique not only for its case-breaking examination of 9/11, but for the breadth and depth of its world picture―an interdisciplinary analysis of petroleum, geopolitics, narcotraffic, intelligence and militarism―without which 9/11 cannot be understood.

Debunking 9/11 Debunking

by David Ray Griffin (2007)

Besides demonstrating the pitiful failure of Debunking 9/11 Myths (published by Popular Mechanics and endorsed by Senator John McCain), Griffin riddles recent reports and stories put out by the US Department of State, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Time magazine. This book, by debunking the most prevalent attempts to refute the evidence cited by the 9/11 truth movement, shows that this movement’s central claim—that 9/11 was an inside job—remains the only explanation that fits the facts.

Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11: Counterfeiting Evidence

by Elias Davidsson (2013)

Here, readers are presented with numerous examples where U.S. authorities suppressed crucial information, appear to have forged and planted evidence, attempted to intimidate witnesses and publicized deceptive and mendacious reports. Such conduct would not have taken place if U.S. leaders had been acting in good faith, felt compassion towards the victims of the mass-murder and considered themselves accountable to the American people. This was an unprecedented propaganda coup.

It’s Worse Than You Think: The Shameful Fraud and Deceit of 9/11

People who were near the buildings know what they heard. They also know what they saw. So did those who were inside the buildings. These people tell the truth behind this great crime. They prove that there are monumental criminals who run the United States. They prove also that these criminals are trying to fool the people.

The New Pearl Harbor

by David Ray Griffin (2004)

From a skeptical vantage-point, but also taking to heart the classic idea that those who benefit from a crime ought to at least be investigated, Griffin, an eminent philosopher and theologian, brings together an account of the national tragedy that is far more logical than the one we’ve been asked to believe. Gathering stories from the mainstream press, reports from other countries, the work of other researchers, and the contradictory words of members of the Bush administration themselves, Griffin presents a case that leaves very little doubt that the attacks of 9/11 need to be further investigated.

The New Pearl Harbor Revisited

by David Ray Griffin (2008)

Provides a chapter-by-chapter updating of the information provided in The New Pearl Harbor of 2004. It shows that the case against the official account constructed by independent researchers – who now include architects, engineers, physicists, pilots, politicians, and former military officers – is far stronger than it was in 2004, leaving no doubt that 9/11 was a false-flag operation, designed to give the Bush-Cheney administration a pretext to attack oil-rich Muslim nations.

Painful Questions: An Analysis of the September 11th Attack

by Eric Hufschmid (2002)

An early 9/11 book which provides color photographs, diagrams, and analysis to show that the World Trade Center towers and Building 7 were demolished with explosives that were placed in the buildings in preparation for the 9-11 attack.

Phantom Flight 93

by Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani (2007)

Could September 11’s Flight 93 be the key to unraveling the entire 9-11 mystery? In Phantom Flight 93, the reader will discover how this event in Shanksville could very well be the smoking gun which exposes the government’s falsehoods once and for all. Starting with physical evidence – especially a 10×12 foot crater in an abandoned strip mine – it becomes clear that a passenger jetliner could not have possibly crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania where federal officials said it did. Rather, the reality of that fateful morning is much more troublesome, and far more sinister.


by Rowland Morgan (2010)

A detailed, well-researched book that asks questions regarding the aircraft phone calls recorded on the morning of 9/11. Forty phone calls changed the world that day — but were they real? The U.S. government’s amazing 911 evidence says not.