More Research Recommendations

More Research Recommendations

The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions

by David Ray Griffin (2004)

This critique of the 9/11 Commision Report makes clear that our nation’s highest leaders have told tales that wear extremely thin when held up to the light of other eyewitness reports, research, and the dictates of common sense, and that the Commission charged with the task of investigating all of the facts surrounding 9/11 has succeeded in obscuring, rather than unearthing, the truth.

The 9/11 ‘Omission’ Report, a greatly condensed version of the above book, can be accessed here.

To reference the full official government-sponsored 9/11 Commission Report, click here.

The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America

by Mark H. Gaffney (2008)

This discussion surveys the role of the world’s most advanced military command and control plane, the E-4B, in the day’s events and proposes that the horrific incidents were the work of a covert operation staged within elements of the U.S. military and the intelligence community. Presenting hard evidence in the form of proprietary photos taken from raw footage filmed by CNN, the account places the world’s most advanced electronics platform circling over the White House at approximately the time of the Pentagon attack. The argument offers an analysis of the new evidence within the context of the events and shows that it is irreconcilable with the official 9/11 narrative.

9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation

by David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth (2018)

9/11 Unmasked is the result of a six-year investigation by an international review panel, which has provided 51 points illustrating the problematic status of all the major claims in the official account of the 9/11 attacks, some of which are obviously false, including the official account of the destruction of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center 7, and the claims that the 9/11 planes were taken over by al-Qaeda hijackers, that one of those hijackers flew his plane into the Pentagon, and that passengers on the planes telephoned people on the ground. The panel is composed of experts about 9/11 from many disciplines, including physics, chemistry, structural engineering, aeronautical engineering, and jurisprudence.

America Betrayed – Why 9/11 Occurred: Plus, a Wake-Up Call for the Future

by Richard Harman (2014)

This book is anti-war, which gives it immense scope. Its front cover shows New York City’s Twin Towers less than a month before they disappeared rapidly during 9/11. None of the Bush-Cheney administration’s explanations were true, and President George W Bush was wrong when he called Iraq, Iran and North Korea an axis of evil, because the leaders of those countries had never met together, even for a coffee. Instead, the real axis of evil was, and is, that of America and Israel, for reasons described in this book.

Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World

by David Ray Griffin (2016)

The events of September 11, 2001, set off a chain of global crises and civil perils that have normalized a climate of fear and conflict. Starting with assaults on the U.S. Constitution, Griffin reviews various ways in which the world has been made worse by the Bush-Cheney reaction to the attacks and by power plays for global influence enabled by 9/11. These ripple effects have become so destructive and dangerous that a national reckoning has become essential, in the words of William Rivers Pitt, to stop the dominoes of September from continuing to fall.

Read a review here.

Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored

by Ray McGinnis (2021)

By delving into their press releases, this book introduces readers to behind-the-scenes struggles of the 9/11 families to keep the 9/11 Commission inquiry on track. Drawing from mainstream sources, it explores some of the unanswered questions the Commission omitted in its Report.

Read a review here.