The Corporation Nation

The Corporation Nation

Episode List

Part One: Waking Up to a Corporation Nation

This part presents the United States as comprised of over 185,000 incorporated private and for-profit corporations, which have mistakenly been called our “representative government”. The hidden wealth and investment totals for all of these “collective” corporations (governments), when added together, equate to well over 100 trillion dollars, over 26 trillion in just pension fund investment assets. With these investments, the government owns controlling ownership interest in all Fortune 500 companies, most major domestic and international companies, and most of everything you see around you.

Part Two: The Great Pension Fund Hoax

The part is presented as documentary evidence of corruption and greed within our government. Understanding this information about the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) system of accounting in government will answer the question that has eluded you for so long, just as it did me…Why? Why do corporations get away with murder? Why does government allow this to happen by passing laws and regulations, and deregulating the very framework that these corporations operate within, both nationally and internationally? And why are we suffering at the hands of this oligarchical government, while our taxpayer dollars are being used against us?

Part Three: CAFR School – School Districts and the Lottery

This is an advanced lesson in government corruption – in legal, organized crime. Covered here are the CAFR’s for the “Rim Of The World” school district in San Bernardino County, and for the California State Lottery. With this information, anyone should be able to read their own school district CAFR, which will be similar in its structure according to generally accepted government accounting practices.