Perspectives on the Pandemic

Perspectives on the Pandemic

Episode List

Episode One

Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University cautions that we do not have reliable data to make long-term decisions about COVID-19, and that an extended lockdown might have far graver effects than the disease itself.

Episode Two

Knut Wittkowski, for twenty years head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, says that social distancing and lockdowns are the absolutely worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus. Further, he offers data to show that China and South Korea had already reached their peak number of cases when they instituted their containment measures. In other words, nature had already achieved, or nearly achieved, herd immunity.

Episode Three

Dr. David Katz, a preventive medicine specialist and globally recognized authority on lifestyle medicine, discusses his proposal for “total harm minimization”, a plan that seeks to protect people both from Covid-19 and the host of ills that result from social isolation and economic shut-down.

Episode Four

In this follow-up interview, Dr. John Ioannidis discusses the results of three preliminary studies, (including his latest, which shows a drastically reduced infection fatality rate); the worrisome effects of the lockdown; the Swedish approach; the Italian data; the ups and downs of testing; the feasibility of “contact tracing”, and much more.

Episode Five

In this highly-charged follow-up interview, Knut Wittkowski maintains that the lockdowns – always a dubious proposition for a respiratory virus – came too late in the U.S. and elsewhere, and were therefore even worse than useless. By turns emotional and darkly comic, Wittkowski ranges across all the essential topics of the crisis, and gives answers you are unlikely to see in the major media.

Episode Six

When Doctors Dan Erickson & Artin Massihi held a press conference on 4-22-2020 about the results of testing they conducted at their urgent care facilities around Bakersfield, CA, the video, uploaded by a local ABC news affiliate, went viral. After reaching 5 million views, YouTube took it down on the grounds that it “violated community standards.” We followed up with the doctors to determine what was so dangerous about their message. What we discovered were reasonable and well-meaning professionals whose voices should be heard.

Episode Seven

Investigative journalist Sam Husseini has had a storied career asking world leaders questions they would prefer to dodge, on subjects ranging from missing weapons of mass destruction to very real nuclear stockpiles. Now he takes on the “elephant in the room”: the extreme dangers posed by bio-research facilities not just in China, but all over the world…

Episode Eight

Matt Stoller, author of Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy, forecasts the actual amount of the Wall Street bailout; the coming disappearance of most small business; the problems that emerge when monopolies control health care; the emergence of a Wall Street-oriented “planned economy”; the failure of progressives to stop the theft of trillions, and much more.

Episode Nine

Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the front-lines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. Two hospitals. One private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York. And not just any New York public hospital, but the “epicenter of the epicenter” itself, the infamous Elmhurst in Queens. As a result of these diametrically opposed experiences, she has the ultimate “perspective on the pandemic”.

Episode Ten

Part one of an interview with both Dr. Judy Mikovits, of Plandemic fame and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Episode Eleven

Part two of an interview with both Dr. Judy Mikovits, of Plandemic fame and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Episode Twelve

Part three of an interview with both Dr. Judy Mikovits, of Plandemic fame and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Episode Thirteen

Leemon McHenry, PhD, author of the article, “The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine,” guides us to the fraudulent core of ghostwritten studies, captured legislators, revolving-door regulatory agencies, pay-to-play medical journals, and the “key opinion leaders” who lend their academic credentials to giant corporations…for a price.

Episode Fourteen

We check back in with epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski, who got millions of views on this channel before he was summarily canceled. Now he has a dire warning for the world: lockdowns only breed new variants of the virus. Will anyone hear him long enough to weigh the argument, or will open inquiry, the foundation of all scientific endeavor, continue to be suppressed to our peril?

Episode Fifteen

In this episode, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. explains the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections, and why in the long term we may be creating dangerously overactive immune systems in billions of unwitting subjects.

Episode Sixteen

A cogent and clear thinker who has been attacked in proportion to his qualifications, Dr. Mike Yeadon, at great personal risk, issues a chilling warning, not just about the grave dangers surrounding the injections, but about the looming threat of digital health “passports” that will take inexorable control over every aspect of our lives.

Episode Seventeen

2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece – Part One

Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University, discusses the propaganda onslaught that defined the year 2020, when what was dismissed one week is confirmed the next, and why questioning official narratives “necessarily means taking ‘conspiracy theory’ seriously.

Episode Eighteen

2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece – Part Two

Mark Crispin Miller continues his discussion about the propaganda onslaught that defined the year 2020.

Episode Nineteen

Renowned physician and professor of medicine Dr. Peter McCullough describes early treatment protocols for COVID-19 that have saved countless lives… and the forces that have aligned themselves against their widespread adoption.

Episode Twenty

Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the dangers of the new Covid-19 injections and offers the most lucid and meticulous analysis to date of the mass injection program now ravaging the world.

Episode Twenty-One

Injections & Injunctions – Part One

Dr. Robert Malone, originator of mRNA technology and consultant both to industry and government in product development and biodefense, underlines some of his gravest concerns about the current policy of universal vaccination.

Episode Twenty-Two

Injections & Injunctions – Part Two

Dr. Robert Malone, original inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, illuminates just how greatly the shared financial interests of a handful of Big Pharma men, high-level government bureaucrats and academic institutions have affected life-or-death policy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Episode Twenty-Three

2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece – Part Three

Professor Mark Crispin Miller of New York University illustrates how the sudden overthrow of political freedom and bodily sovereignty, nominally triggered of necessity by the emergence of a deadly novel pathogen, has in truth been heading straight for us since November 22, 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

Episode Twenty-Four

67 years have passed since Brown vs. Board of Education, which struck down the ridiculous notion that “separate” could be “equal”. Health activist Kevin Jenkins delivers a powerful rebuke to the New Normal of segregating the unvaccinated, reminding us that segregation, then as now, is about dividing society into the “clean” and “unclean”.

Episode Twenty-Five

Columbia Researcher Spiro Pantazatos may have a reliable way of determining the “Vaccine Fatality Rate” or VFR. By relating all-cause mortality with vaccine administration across states, while controlling for prior year deaths and state-to-state variation in mortality due to other factors, Dr. Pantazatos determined that in a six-month period in 2021, COVID injections killed between 150,000 to 180,000 Americans. With everyone from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to CDC chief Rochelle Walenksy discussing the need for more boosters, Professor Pantazatos’s warning could not be more timely.

Episode Twenty-Six

In this episode, Dr. Robert Malone explores the following: Could the near-total capitulation to measures with no scientific basis or common-sense rationale, like lockdowns and the donning of face masks, be a feature of a kind of mass hysteria or moral panic? In what ways are the pandemic measures similar to features of totalitarianism? How do unscrupulous leaders wield their understanding of human behavior patterns? Most troubling of all, what is it about human beings that makes us so willing to submit to “mass formation?” This interview was filmed before the outbreak of war in Ukraine, but the connection between war, hysteria, and propaganda is thoroughly explored in this far-ranging conversation.

Episode Twenty-Seven

Now that monkeypox has been declared a global health emergency, let’s not forget how the last health “emergency” was handled. Dr. Emanuel Garcia, a New Zealand psychiatrist and medical freedom advocate who emigrated from the United States in 2006, reports on the stages of the absurd and yet all too familiar COVID response in his adopted country. Applying a psychiatric lens to the public health disasters of masks, lockdowns, and coerced injections, Dr. Garcia’s analysis helps fortify us against the next assault on human dignity, health and freedom.