Movies & Videos

Movies & Videos


This film highlights the urgency of food freedom, encouraging farmers and consumers alike to take action to preserve individuals’ rights to access food of their choice and farmers’ rights to produce these foods safely and free from unreasonably burdensome regulations. The film serves to put policymakers and regulators on notice that there is a growing movement of people aware that their freedom to choose the foods they want is in danger, a movement that is taking action with its dollars and its voting power to protect and preserve the dwindling number of family farms that are struggling to survive.

Food, Inc.

Food, Inc. is a 2008 American documentary film directed by Robert Kenner and narrated by Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser. It examines corporate farming in the United States, concluding that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and employees.

Food, Inc 2

A sequel to Food, Inc that focuses on corporate consolidation in the American food and agriculture business.

*** Note: A portion of the film focuses on corporate decisions made around the COVID pandemic. See our Health & Disease pages to learn more about the truth about COVID and viruses in general.

The Monsanto Papers

Four Corners investigates the secret tactics used by global chemical giant Monsanto, to protect its billion-dollar business and its star product, the weed killer, Roundup.

Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs

This award-winning documentary exposes the lies about GMOs and pulls back the curtains to witness our planet’s future if Big Agriculture’s new green revolution becomes our dominant food supply.

War on Health: FDA’s Cult of Tyranny

This film explores the position of the FDA and its role in the current medical paradigm, the current health crisis, and looks at possibilities for a healthier, more holistic health system. It claims that though the FDA has begun a war on our health, there is a way to a new direction that has democracy and the rights of the people at its heart.

The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Politics and Power

From genetically modified organisms to Agent Orange, this film takes on cases from around the world, exposing how Monsanto deploys ethically questionable tactics to suppress complaints and lawsuits that target the company. It offers a comprehensive look at Monsanto’s dominant position in the agricultural industry and their dubious products and practices involving, in particular, genetically engineered crops, Agent Orange, and Bovine Growth Hormone.