The Holocaust

The Holocaust


For the last 75 years, the specter of the Holocaust has darkened the history of the world with it’s gruesome tales of Jewish subjugation, imprisonment, and murder at the hands of Germany’s mastermind of evil, Adolf Hitler, and his National Socialist regime. Hard to believe stories of ‘gas chambers,’ ‘mass shootings,’ and the ever-present ‘six million’ Jewish victims of Nazi aggression serve to remind the people of the world, “Never Forget, Never Again.”

But are these stories and the ‘history’ they present to us actually true?

Perhaps the late Elie Wiesel, one of the most prominent witnesses to the orthodox version of the Holocaust, can help answer that question. In his 1968 book, Legends of Our Time, Elie relates the following when asked by his rabbi about his writings:

What are you writing?” the Rebbe asked. “Stories,” I said. He wanted to know what kind of stories. “True stories.” “About people you knew?”  “Yes, about people I might have known.”  “About things that happened?”  “Yes, about things that happened or could have happened.”  “But they did not?”  “No, not all of them did. In fact, some were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end.” The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more sorrow than anger: “That means you are writing lies!”  I did not answer immediately. The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense. Yet, I had to justify myself: “Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are—although they never occurred.

So, according to Elie, who brought us such fascinating stories as “the pit-roasted babies of Auschwitz” and the “‘geysers of blood’ at Babi-Yar,” when it comes to the Holocaust, it doesn’t matter whether it happened or didn’t happen as its been told to us; what matters is that people believe it happened. And if you don’t believe what happened, then they’ll make you believe, which is exactly what we see happening in the world today. Despite the overwhelming evidence that proves the utter absurdity of the version of the Holocaust related to us by Mr. Weisel and others of his ilk, people who question any aspect of the “Hitler is evil, gas-chambers, six million” mantra are subjected to shame, slander, and in at least 16 countries around the world, possible fines or even imprisonment. All for pointing out that the arrogant Holocaustian emperor wears no clothes.

Below you’ll find an abundance of information and evidence to show that what we’ve been taught about the Jewish Holocaust of World War II is, if nothing else, a fairy tale of epic proportions. Unfortunately, this fairy tale is one of the biggest weapons in the arsenal of the ‘powers that be’ used to guide the unwitting masses towards an increasingly dystopian, yet uncertain, future. By educating ourselves, we can work together to restore an accurate picture of our history and create a brighter future for everyone.

But we must have courage and step forward.