Movies & Videos

Movies & Videos

Into the Light

From the creators of Out of Shadows, we bring you Into the Light, a movie made to bring to surface the fact that psychological operations are present and active in today’s society. Into the Light will feature experts in psychological operations and mainstream media manipulation such as General Michael Flynn, Lara Logan, Brian Gamble, Dr. Keith Rose, Boone Cutler and Mike Smith. This project brings an unbiased viewpoint to the control being done through psychological operations.

Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

The film presents and illustrates Chomsky and Herman’s propaganda model thesis that corporate media, as profit-driven institutions, tend to serve and further the agendas and interests of dominant, elite groups in the society. A centerpiece of the film is a long examination of the history of The New York Times’ coverage of the Indonesian occupation of East Timor, which Chomsky says exemplifies the media’s unwillingness to criticize an ally of the elite.

A Modestly Priced Weapon: Our Controlled Press

There exists in this world men, whose only pronounced skill set is their ability to deceive, and whose goal is to drive billions into soul-destroying consumerism while they strip away our foundations in an effort to keep us confused and docile. In pursuit of that end, their most valuable weapon has become the news and entertainment media, and they have masterfully weaponized them against billions of unsuspecting people. But that weapon seems to be jamming, and times are changing.

Psywar: The Real Battlefield is the Mind

This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the elitist theory of democracy and the relationship between war, propaganda, and class. This is a deep, richly illustrated study of the nature and history of propaganda, featuring some of the world’s most insightful critics, all of whom expose the propaganda system, providing crucial background and insight into the control of information and thought.